
Every year over 100 000 serious wildlife related road accidents happen in Europe. For every traffic accident involving personal injuries there will be 4 accidents with large animals: tens of thousands perished animals and material losses in hundreds of millions. Current solutions are ineffective or restrict wildlife natural migration.

The Wildlife Crossing and Driver Early Warning System is greatly increasing road safety by detecting approaching animals and issuing early wild life warning and reduces speed limit on the Variable Message Signs.


  • Microwave radar-based sensors guarantee reliable detection in any weather or light condition and very low false positive rate.
  • Thermal PT cameras or normal PTZ cameras with IR capability are integrated to the radar system in order to capture video footage of the detected object.
  • Milestone XProtect based system management and recording.
  • NTCIP protocol-based warning control can be integrated with almost any Variable Message Sign (VMS) available on the market.
  • Seamless integration with central traffic management systems.
  • System is designed to work as 100% standalone system.

Contact us

Andres Nurme

+372 5565 6656